Art, Drama, Music, Dance
Art is an integral part of our school curriculum. We believe in the holistic development of children. Over a period of time specialist art educators at St Francis have carefully crafted an art curriculum that inspires, motivates and educates. High-quality art education engages and challenges students to explore, create, reflect, and to communicate visually. Creativity is at its best when students are deconditioned from normal educational parameters. It is about diving into a zone that is at times neglected in typical education systems. At St. Francis we believe in the art of creative thinking and teaching our students to take risks with their ideas and most importantly to experiment.
At St. Francis the appetite for drama grows at a healthy rate - pupils step forward with great enthusiasm, and thoroughly enjoy being in the school plays. Curriculum drama is a valuable opportunity at St. Francis for children to express themselves and to gain in confidence and self-esteem.
Led by our experienced drama teachers, children participate in substantial annual Primary and Secondary productions. Everyone contributes to making it an event to remember, in the spotlight or behind the scenes - in sound, lighting, costumes, make-up, set-building, publicity and stage management.
With careful preparation and rehearsals, and performances both on campus and at outside venues, our young actors and technical crew know what it’s like to appear on stage in the heart of São Paulo.
St. Francis has a strong musical tradition. Whatever their ability, all pupils express themselves musically both within class and through the great variety of extra-curricular groups and interdisciplinary activities. Music is a core curriculum subject, which uses a practical base of instrumental tuition, singing, composition and listening analysis to give support to the students in their musical journey and theoretical knowledge. Choirs, orchestras, small ensembles and bands abound in all parts of the school. Musicals and theatrical plays are put together and performed at least once a year. These groups and individuals also perform regularly on campus, for the enjoyment of parents and staff, in accordance with an extensive programme of music performance, stretching throughout the whole academic year.
In dance students explore how we express ourselves through movement. To understand and respond to dance, students understand how dance is used in cultural, ritual and social contexts. Creating dance involves inquiring into the rhythm of music, the natural rhythms of our bodies and the environment around us. Students have the opportunity to discover their own motivations and influences to inspire their movements. Through ensemble work, students develop their ability to cooperate with others and use the body as the medium of expression. Students develop confidence in their personal physicality through body awareness, balance, coordination, flexibility and strength. Teachers offer students experiences that may provoke and inspire them through exposing them to dance performance.